Traditionally, sales and marketing teams have viewed their direct mailing strategy like the legendary Larry Enticer – "I'm just gonna send it!" video. But unfortunately, in today’s data-driven world, with every dollar accounted for and measurable ROI expected on all spending, teams must be savvier when it comes to their account-based marketing (ABM) strategy. This paradigm shift also applies to the world of direct mail and gifting.  

In this article, we’ll discuss how to find a list of companies interested in your products, how to send targeted items that they actually want to receive, and finally, how to measure the impact of sending. 

Identifying your direct mail target list

If you’re already running an ABM campaign, then you’re probably no stranger to the practice of building a target list (or, if you’re not and want to learn how, check out How to Build a Better ABM Target List Using Firmographics). However, while your ABM target list might include hundreds of companies, your direct mailing list will likely be much smaller since you’ll be sending to your most engaged accounts. 

So how do you find a targeted direct mail list within your ABM target list?

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